Current and Upcoming State and Federal Grant Opportunities for Cities
September 16, 2024
Federal Grant Funding
- US EPA Community Change Grants: The US EPA is accepting applications for $2 billion in Inflation Reduction Act funding available to support community-driven projects that build capacity for communities to tackle environmental and climate justice challenges, strengthen their climate resilience, and advance clean energy. Local governments can partner with local community-based organizations. Applications are due November 21, 2024.
- The Reconnecting Communities Institute is a new U.S. Department of Transportation center for learning to help reconnect communities that were harmed, isolated, and cut off from opportunity by transportation infrastructure. RCI support is available to grantees and prospective grantees of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program to strengthen local capacity in planning and implementing innovative community reconnection projects. The form to express interest in RCI support is now live! Click here to request support on the RCI website.
- The U.S. Dept of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program is now accepting applications. Grants are available to cut carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency. Application deadline is October 31, 2024.
- The US Dept. of Energy released a 2nd round of funding for its Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation grants, which prioritize collaboration among state and local partners to update and modernize local building and zoning codes in ways that increase energy efficiency. Up to $90 million will be awarded.
State Grant Funding
CyberOhio Local Government Grant Fund: applications are now being accepted. Grants support city programs to prevent cyberattacks and increase protections for government databases.
Climate and Pollution Reduction
- Abandoned Gas Station Cleanup Grant – This grant provides funding to assess and clean up former gas and service stations with documented petroleum releases. Local government entities and land banks who own an eligible property or who have an agreement with the landowner may apply.
- The OH Dept of Development’s Renewable Energy and Grid Resilience Program is accepting applications for projects that will reduce energy consumption by at least 15% in cities and other public entities.
- For information about current and upcoming state and federal climate and clean energy grant opportunities, please visit the Infrastructure Grant Assistance Program (IGAP) page hosted by our partner Power a Clean Future Ohio. PCFO members can get free technical assistance in preparing grant application materials through IGAP.
- The Ohio Dept. of Development’s Homeless Crisis Response Program and Housing Assistance Grant Program award funding on a ongoing regional basis. Click the links for more information.
Economic Development
- The next round of applications for the Ohio Opportunity Zone Tax Credit Program is open now.
- The Department of Development is now accepting proposals for the All Ohio Future Fund. The purpose is to support local communities with site-readiness and preparation to attract economic development opportunities.
Public Safety
- The Office of Criminal Justice Services is accepting applications for its Body Worn Camera Grant Program. A webinar for the Ohio Body-Worn Camera Grant Program will be held by OCJS on Oct. 23 from 10-11:30 a.m. The training webinar is not mandatory but will provide helpful information on both application preparation and the review process. Applications are due Nov. 20, 2024.
- The Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) has a new grants management database with links to all of its open grant programs.
Ohio Water Development Authority Loan Programs
- The OWDA offers a variety of programs that provide low-cost loans to local governments to address water infrastructure, coastal erosion, dams, and distressed watersheds. More information here.