Ohio Mayors to Attend U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting This Week, Continue Leadership In National Mayors Group
June 19, 2024
COLUMBUS – Mayors from across Ohio will be attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors national meeting this week. They will join hundreds of other mayors from across the country to discuss a range of topics such as mental health, housing, homelessness, public safety, economic development, and many other issues that impact America’s cities.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the leading voice of the nation’s mayors in Washington DC. The organization’s 92nd Annual Meeting will be held in Kansas City, Missouri from June 20 to 23. Last year, the City of Columbus hosted this meeting, which brings mayors together with federal leaders to discuss issues and collaborate on solutions.
“Our mayors understand the value of engaging at the state and federal level and they continue to serve in important national leadership positions within the U.S. Conference of Mayors,” said Ohio Mayors Alliance Executive Director Keary McCarthy.
Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther serves as Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and chairs the Council on Metro Economies and the New American City.
Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval serves as a Trustee for the U.S. Conference of Mayors and will lead a discussion this week on “City Scale Solutions to Your Climate & Sustainability Goals.”
Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn serves on the Conference Advisory Board and will join a panel on “Removing Barriers and Creating Opportunities for Employment and Economic Mobility.” Lima Mayor Sharetta Smith will also help lead this panel discussion.
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz serves as Chair of the Community Development and Housing Standing Committee and will moderate a panel on “Preventing Evictions: Tools and Lessons from the Princeton Eviction Lab.”
Youngstown Mayor Tito Brown serves as Co-Chair of the Electric Vehicles Task Force and will moderate a discussion with national experts on Electrification of the U.S. Transportation System.
Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb serves on the Conference Advisory Board and Chairs the Tourism, Arts, Parks, Entertainment, and Sports Standing Committee, but may not be able to attend the meeting this year.
The other Ohio mayors that will be attending this year’s annual meeting are: Akron Mayor Shammas Malik, Cleveland Heights Mayor Kahlil Seren, Lorain Mayor Jack Bradley, Warren Mayor Doug Franklin, and Westlake Mayor Dennis Clough. McCarthy will also be in attendance on behalf of the Ohio Mayors Alliance.
“Ohio mayors know that by coming together and engaging at both the state and federal level, they can deliver resources for their communities and help solve problems that impact cities across the country,” said McCarthy. “The national leadership exhibited by our mayors is important and helps to lift up our entire state.”
The Ohio Mayors Alliance is a bipartisan coalition of mayors in Ohio’s 30 largest cities. Its mission is to strengthen Ohio’s cities and regions through collaboration, communications, improved state-level advocacy, and stronger partnerships with state and federal policymakers.
Additional information about the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the 92nd Annual Meeting can be found at usmayors.org. For more information about the Ohio Mayors Alliance, please visit OhioMayorsAlliance.org.
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